Diversity and Interculturalism online course for basic skills teachers

General Information
Target audience:
Course date:
13 February 2023 – 5 April 2023
Course status:
Certificate of Completion:
Participants completing the course will be awarded in the following ways:
1) Digital Certificate on Completing the Course: Diversity & Interculturalism
Criterion 1: accessed each of the content pages in the MOOC.
Those who meet this criterion will receive a digital certificate automatically at the end of the course. The certificate will certify that the participant has completed the course and engaged with all elements of the course thematics / content.
2) EBSN Badge on Professional Development Series: Diversity & Interculturalism
(Only for those completed criterion 1 and received Certificate of Completion)
Criterion 2: completed knowledge checks (quizzes) and submission of at least 1 meaningful and relevant post in the forum discussions every week (corresponding to the thematic questions of the week, altogether minimum 4 entries within the course course).
This will prove that the participant reflected on the course content from the perspective of their own practice and were able to apply newly gained knowledge and insights in their own context.

The Professional Development Series is an initiative of the European Basic Skills Network to support adult educators, teachers, and other personnel in basic skills education and training to develop their skills and methods to help people progress on their upskilling pathways effectively. Within the project supported by the ERASMUS+ Program, a series of OERs and MOOCs are being developed. It is also an ambition of the partnership to establish Microcredentials which are awarded to those completing MOOCs and will also be recognised by different educational institutions as well as national or regional authorities taking an active role in further education and professionalisation of adult basic skills teachers.
“Diversity and Interculturalism” is one of the courses being implemented and tested with adult education professionals from Norway as participants in 8 weeks by the Folkeuniversitetet, Norway.
Language of the course: Norwegian, but parts of the learning resources will be provided in English.
Course objectives
This course has specifically been designed to assist you in teaching in a multicultural classroom to enhance your teaching practices when working with adults of basic skills. It will introduce you to many topics, including Cultural Sensitivity, and equip you with various teaching tools for your teaching context. It has been developed as part of the EBSN PDS project by the Directorate for Research, Lifelong Learning and Employability (DRLLE), MINISTRY FOR EDUCATION, SPORT, YOUTH, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION in Malta in tandem with South East Technological University.
Course results
After completing this course in a multicultural setting, you will be able to:
- Identify cultural bias
- Develop self-reflexivity in one’s cultural context
- Identify various micro-aggressions
- Articulate the potential negative effects of cultural insensitivity
Course format
The MOOC will be implemented as an 8-week long 4-unit online course (2 weeks for each unit, with a workload of app. 6-7 hours/unit; a total of 25 hours equivalent to around 1 ECTS), self-instructed study with self-checks as well as moderated thematic forum discussions and 3 live webinars via Zoom with a tutor. The webinars will take place at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the course.
The MOOC on Diversity and Interculturalism will include ample learning resources from an international setting, presenting the best teaching strategies and practices. The presentations, videos, and other resources are becoming available every two weeks.
Key themes of the course
Unit 1: An introduction to diversity and multiculturalism
Unit 2: Cultural sensitivity and micro-aggressions
Unit 3: Celebrating differences and similarities in the multicultural classroom
Unit 4: Teaching techniques and strategies
Assignments & Assessment
During this course, you will come across several Knowledge Checks, which are short quiz questions to check your understanding of various topics. Please try your best to answer these and revise the relevant section if you encounter difficulties. In addition, you will be asked to reflect on your teaching practices using the newly gained knowledge.
Each unit will have a workload of between 6-7 hours.
Detailed course objectives
Unit 1: An introduction to diversity and multiculturalism
Unit’s objectives:
- Identify your own culture and other cultures
- Explore diversity, equality and inclusion
- Recognise and reflect upon your own cultural biases
Unit 2: Cultural sensitivity and micro-aggressions
Unit’s objectives:
- Identify various types of microaggressions
- Gain awareness of potential adverse effects of cultural insensitivity
- Develop different interpersonal skills to be used in a cross-cultural context
- Develop self-reflexivity in one’s cultural context
Unit 3: Celebrating differences and similarities in the multicultural classroom
Unit’s objectives:
- Identify your misconceptions about different cultural backgrounds
- Identify new terms related to cultural awareness
- Analyse and reflect on the need for a multicultural curriculum
Unit 4: Teaching techniques and strategies
Unit’s objectives:
- Reflect on your teaching practice and methodology
- Learn about new teaching tools and methods
- Raise awareness on teaching a multicultural class
Nytt kurstilbud for deg som underviser i grunnleggende ferdigheter Folkeuniveritetet deltar i et Erasmusprosjekt som utvikler kurs for lærere som underviser i grunnleggende ferdigheter. Det blir etter hvert seks moduler som kan tas enkeltvis:
Deltakerinnflytelse, Digital pedagogikk, Grunnleggende digital kompetanse, Grunnleggende leseferdighet, Tilrettelegging av læringsprosesser og Mangfoldskompetanse
Denne våren starter vi med kurset i Mangfoldskompetanse
Læringsmål: Etter å ha fullført dette emnet, vil du kunne:
- Identifisere kulturelle fordommer og reflektere over din egen kulturelle kontekst
- Kjenne til ulike undervisningsteknikker og –strategier for å bruke deltakernes kulturelle bakgrunn som en ressurs i undervisningen
- Vite hva kulturell sensitivitet er, og hvilke negative effekter manglende kulturell sensitivitet kan føre til
- Vite hva mikroaggresjon er, og kunne identifisere ulike mikroaggresjoner
Veileder på kurset er Eli Langset
Eli er til daglig leder av stiftelsen Mangfold i Arbeidslivet, og har lang erfaring med undervisning av deltakere med flerkulturell bakgrunn, primært på oppdragskurs, men også på åpne kurs
Kurset består av selvstudier, refleksjonsoppgaver, og diskusjonsforum, og er bygget opp med 4 moduler a 2 uker. Totalt beregnet tidsforbruk er ca. 25 timer.
I tillegg er det tre webinarer på ca 45 min i sanntid (16. februar, ett midtveis og ett i uke 16)
Siden kurset i hovedsak er nettbasert, kan du arbeide med stoffet på tidspunkter som passer for deg i løpet av hver toukersperiode. Hovedinnholdet i kurset er oversatt til norsk, men det er en del videoer og fordypningsartikler på engelsk.
Det er to former for deltakerbevis:
- Digitalt kursbevis ved fullført kurs (gjennomgått innhold)
- EBSN-badge dersom du i tillegg til å gjennomføre kurset har deltatt i 4 diskusjonsforum og svart på quizene i kurset
Påmelding: Det er 16 plasser på kurset. Alle kan søke, men de som underviser i grunnleggende ferdigheter blir prioritert. Ellers gjelder “først til mølla” prinsippet!