EBSN Professional Development Series for Basic Skills Teachers

Pilot MOOCs – evaluation process

Jul 11, 2022


The four pilot courses of the EBSN PDS project ended last week. Three of the four courses were delivered in the countries of one of the participating partners (Ireland, Malta and Hungary), facilitated in national languages to maximise participant engagement. The fourth course was offered to the European professional community via EPALE and was facilitated in English.

Two webinars and on-line discussions in each course, topic related discussion forums and Q&A section created an inter-active space for the participants to reflect on their practice and share their own experience along the four weeks long online courses. The aim of pilot courses was to get relevant feedbacks from the participants about the pilot MOOCs and OERs in the aspects of relevance of the content, user-friendliness, and the appropriateness of delivery (length of the course, volume of resources to process, learner support).

The next steps in the development process will be to evaluate and summarise the feedbacks, finalise the four pilot MOOCs and related OERs and develop the remaining two MOOCs.

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