Our Blog
Pilot MOOCs – evaluation process
The four pilot courses of the EBSN PDS project ended last week. Three of the four courses were delivered in the countries of one of the participating partners (Ireland, Malta and Hungary), facilitated in national languages to maximise participant engagement. The...
Professional round table and partners meeting in Vienna
EBSN Annual Conference proved to be a great source of inspiration for the project partners and excellent platform to effectively spread the word about the project and the future possibilities offered by PDS for potential European cooperation partners. After the...
Introducing our EBSN-PDS Project to the professional audience
During the EBSN Annual Conference participants had the opportunity to take a closer look at the MOOC contents as well as to make inquiries and initiate conversations with project representatives at the EBSN-PDS project stand set up on the conference marketplace....
Presentation on EBS Conference in Vienna
Between 08.-10. July has held the EBSN Annual Conference in Vienna featured a plenary presentation of the EBSN Professional Development Series. Zoltán Várkonyi (The Leader of the Project, EBSN Secretariat) and Helen Murphy (SETU) introduced our KA3 project...
Empowering Adult Learners of Basic Skills – pilot MOOC
This course has specifically been designed to assist teachers and tutors in empowering and motivating students to enhance their teaching practices when working with adults of basic skills. It will introduce them to concepts on adult basic skills education and equip...
Diversity & Interculturalism – pilot MOOC
This course has specifically been designed to assist teachers and tutors in teaching in the multicultural classroom to enhance their teaching practices when working with adults of basic skills. It will introduce them to many topics including Cultural Sensitivity and...