MOOC Evaluation Survey – Empowering Adult Learners MOOC Evaluation Survey - Empowering Adult Learners 1. Please indicate your country of residence. 2. Please indicate your highest level of educational qualification.*EQF Level 4EQF Level 5EQF Level 6EQF Level 7EQF Level 8 3. Please indicate your years of experience working in the adult education sector.*No experience1-5 years5-10 years10-15 years15-20 years20+ years 4. What is your current job title?*EducatorEducation ManagerStudentTeacher TrainerPolicy Maker 5. What motivated you to register for the course, and what were your expectations? 6. Did you complete the full MOOC?*YesNo 7. If you answered 'no' for Question 7, why? 8. How would you evaluate the MOOC in terms of:*PoorFairGoodExcellentPre-MOOC communicationRelevance to your workTopics deliveredCourse materialsLearning activitiesLength of time to complete the content of each weekLearning platform usabilityTools available for interaction with facilitator and other participants (if relevant)Facilitator engagement (if relevant)Live webinar sessions (if relevant) 9. What did you enjoy most about the MOOC? 10. What would you change about the MOOC? 11. Please rate the MOOC (1 star = poor, 5 stars = excellent)* 12. Other comments/feedback :SENDReset Back the MOOC