EBSN Professional Development Series for Basic Skills Teachers

Malta Project Meeting

Nov 16, 2023


On November 15 & 16, 2023, the Malta Project Meeting took place, bringing together partners from across Europe to assess the progress of the PDS project and lay the groundwork for future milestones. This gathering was crucial for evaluating the ongoing implementation of PDS across member countries and for discussing how the platform can be further enhanced to meet the diverse needs of adult educators.

During the meeting, participants engaged in in-depth discussions about new approaches and the role of digital tools in enhancing the PDS platform. One of the central themes was the microcredentials and the adaptability of PDS in addressing specific national and regional requirements, which has been a cornerstone of its success. Attendees also reviewed feedback from educators who have used the PDS MOOCs, sharing best practices and discussing strategies to further improve engagement and learning outcomes.

A major focus of the meeting was the integration of innovative methodologies to support educators in delivering high-quality, inclusive education. By incorporating feedback from users across different countries, the team was able to identify new content areas and topics for future MOOCs.

The Malta meeting underscored the importance of international collaboration in ensuring the continued success of the PDS project. With the insights gained from this meeting, the team is well-positioned to continue refining and expanding the PDS offerings to meet the evolving needs of adult educators across Europe.

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