EBSN Professional Development Series for Basic Skills Teachers

Discussing the potentials of Microcredentials for adult trainers and professionals on the EAEA Annual Conference – Adult Learning and the Green Transition

Jun 12, 2023


In June of 2023, the EBSN PDS played a key role in the discussions at the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) Annual Conference, held in Brussels. This year’s conference, themed “Adult Learning and the Green Transition,” focused on how adult learning can contribute to the green transition and the role of educators in preparing learners for the challenges and opportunities of this new era.

A central topic of discussion was the potential of microcredentials to support adult educators and trainers in acquiring the skills needed to address environmental challenges. As part of this, the PDS was showcased as a leading example of how microcredentials can be used to validate and recognize the skills that educators gain through professional development courses, particularly those related to sustainability and green skills.

Participants at the conference explored how microcredentials can offer flexible, modular learning opportunities that allow educators to build their competencies in specific areas relevant to the green transition. The discussions also highlighted the importance of creating a standardized approach to microcredentials across Europe, ensuring that educators’ skills are recognized not just nationally, but internationally.

The PDS’s role in this conversation underscored its commitment to supporting educators in adapting to the demands of the 21st-century learning environment. By providing educators with the tools and recognition they need to succeed, PDS is helping to shape the future of adult learning and professional development in the context of a rapidly changing world.

The EAEA Annual Conference provided valuable insights into how PDS can further expand its microcredential offerings, particularly in areas related to sustainability and the green transition. These discussions will inform the future direction of the PDS platform, ensuring that it continues to meet the evolving needs of educators across Europe.

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