EBSN Professional Development Series for Basic Skills Teachers

CY-PDS in progress! Discussing the adaptation of PDS MOOCs for teachers and trainers of adults in Cyprus

May 8, 2023


In May 2023, discussions took a significant step forward with the adaptation of the Professional Development Series (PDS) MOOCs for educators and trainers in Cyprus. This initiative aims to tailor the existing resources to the specific context and needs of adult educators in Cyprus, ensuring that the learning materials effectively meet local demands.

The adaptation of these MOOCs will play a crucial role in addressing the professional development needs of adult educators in Cyprus, particularly as the country continues to emphasize lifelong learning and skills development as key drivers of its educational strategy. The decision to customize the PDS content for Cyprus underscores the platform’s versatility and its capacity to support a wide range of national contexts across Europe.

Stakeholders involved in this adaptation process, including representatives from local educational institutions and government agencies, highlighted the importance of creating learning materials that resonate with the local teaching environment. By providing educators with access to tailored professional development opportunities, the PDS platform will help to enhance the quality of adult education in Cyprus and support the broader European goal of promoting lifelong learning for all.

As the discussions progress, it is expected that the adapted PDS MOOCs will serve as a model for other countries seeking to customize the platform to their own national needs. This initiative exemplifies the collaborative spirit of the PDS project and its dedication to supporting educators across Europe.

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