EBSN Professional Development Series for Basic Skills Teachers

Approaching Digital Teaching & Learning – pilot MOOC

May 9, 2022


This course has specifically been designed to assist teachers and tutors in using digital skills to enhance their teaching practices when working with adults of basic skills. It will introduce them to technologies used in the blended learning classroom and equip them with the tools to evaluate the use of technology in their teaching context. It has been developed as part of the EBSN-PDS project in tandem with South East Technological University.

By the end of this MOOC, teachers and tutors will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of digital pedagogical practice and the benefits of using technology to support blended learning.
  • Assess key digital technologies and identify how to integrate appropriate digital technologies for blended learning purposes.
  • Identify strategies to increase learner interaction with technology and apply these strategies to the learning process for adult learners.
  • Implement digital teaching practises.

The „Approaching Digital Teaching & Learning” is one of the courses which is being implemented and tested in the period 6 June – 1 July 2022, by EBSN Secretariat. Registration and participation is free! The course will be facilitated in English.

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